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Rabu, 10 April 2013

[Seri ROB] BABYLON SKA - The Skatalites (2005 - 2009)


The Skatalites sebenarnya grup produk abad 20 (1960-an) dari Jamaika, yang masih eksis hingga kini (2013), dengan silih berganti anggota pemainnya. Artinya mereka lebih dulu ada dari lagu yang menjadi topik blog ini "Rivers Of Babylon" versi raggae The Melodians (1970).. 


The Skatalites mengawal musik Ska yang merupakan nenek moyang dari musik Reggae (yang dalam catatan kita reggae adalah asal dimana musik dari lagu Rivers Of Babylon yang populer kemudian dalam musik disko oleh Boney M). 


Meskipun "The Skatalites" dan "Rivers Of Babylon" berasal dari tempat yang sama (Jamaika) dan dari jenis musik yang sama (Reggae), namun lagu Rivers Of Babylon nanti muncul dalam rekaman The Skatalites di abad 21. 

ABAD 21 2005 - 2009

Tepatnya pada 2005, ketika album live Root Party  menampilkan pertunjukan mereka di Brussels pada 2003. Dan dalam album inipun lagu Rivers of Babylon hanya merupakan bagian dari medley dengan 3 lagu lainnya : Wings Of A Dove, A Little More Oil, dan Hey Man.

Nanti pada tahun 2009, melalui album In Orbit (volume 2) yang direkam di Argentina, sambil merayakan keberadaan grup di dunia musik selang 45 tahun, River Of Babylon, lagu yang dikutip dari Mazmur 137 itu, tampil utuh sebagai lagu mandiri, dengan menempatkan juga irama dari lagu lain. 


Lagu dibuka dengan seruan nama lagu ini "Rivers of Babylo.....n !" lalu disambut instrumen tiup membawakan melodi Rivers sesuai irama yang ada (The Melodians, Boney M dan lain-lain). Duet pria dan wanita kemudian memperdengarkan ayat 1 dari Mazmur 137, By The Rivers Of......Babylon dan seterusnya.


Atribut Rastafarian sesuai lirik The Melodians seperti "King Alpha's", itu yang dipakai oleh Skatalite.
Terdengar juga seruan Haleluyah, dan irama Amin, Amin, Amin di akhir-akhir lagu. Lagu yang memang selalu terdengar di tempat asal mereka, baik di dalam gedung gereja ataupun di jalan-jalan di Jamaika. 

[Seri ROB] JORDAN & BABYLON - Rob Tobias and Friends (2005)


Tahun 2005, "Rob Tobias and Friends" merilis album dengan judul "By The RIVER" dengan sub judul "Renewing The Jewish Spirit". Dengan label MAXIMO PRODUCTION.
Dari 16 lagu pada album yang mempunyai gambar latar belakang sungai itu, dua buah lagu di antaranya mengemukakan atau bicara tentang "sungai".  Sungai-sungai yang sangat dikenal oleh orang-orang atau bangsa Yehuda, sejak purbakala. 


Sungai Yordan yang mengalir di sepanjang tanah mereka, disampaikan dalam "JORDAN RIVER SONG". Berkutnya Sungai-sungai yang mengalir di Babel dan telah membawa kenangan pahit ketika mereka mengalami pembuangan atau pengasingan di sana, dengan lagu "RIVERS OF BABYLON". yang dipopulerkan oleh The Melodians dan Boney M pada akhir abad 20.


Lagu Rivers Of Babylon dari Rob Tobias and Friend pada abad 21 ini, masih menggunakan irama populer dari "BONEY M cs"(1970-an), dan lirik ciptaan Harry Partch (1931) . Namun kali ini Rob Cs tampil dengan versi Folkguna mendukung "semangat baru Ibrani" seperti yang disebutkan dalam sub judul album yang "mengalirkan" lagu ini.

Untuk lirik, dalam baris "How We Sing "The LORD'S" song in Strange Land?", kutipan (ayat 4 Mazmur 137),yang merupakan pertanyaan bangsa Yehuda ketika di Babel, Rob Tobias and Friends menggunakan kata "A HOLLY" untuk menggantikan kata "The LORD'S, yang oleh The Melodians memakai kata "KING ALPHA'S".



The Neville Brothers, adalah grup  soul/funk/R&B Amerika, dibentuk pada tahun 1977 di New Orleans, Louisiana.
Empat bersaudara dari keluarga Neville , Art (lahir 1937), Charles (lahir 1938), Aaron (lahir 1941), and Cyril (lahir 1948).

ALBUM 2004

Album studio pertama mereka "The Neville Brothers" (Capitol)  dirilis 1978. Album terbaru atau album ke sepuluh 2004: Walkin' In The Shadow Of Life (Back Porch). memuat 13 buah lagu, dan lagu terakhir adalah Rivers Of Babylon. Kagu yang populer oleh grup disko Boney M di akhir abad 20.


Dengan gaya funk New Orleans', The Neville Brothers memakai lirik  versi reggae The Melodians (1970), namun baris Mazmur 19 ayat 14, tidak dipakai lagi : "Let the words of our mouth, And the meditation of our hearts, Be accepted in Thy sight". seperti yang dilakukan Sinead O'Connor. 

Lalu sama seperti versi Sublime mereka mengganti "We" dengan "He" pada ayat 1 Mazmur 137 : "By the rivers of Babylon ,Where [he] sat down And there [he] wept When he remember Zion".

Mereka pula menambahkan kata-kata: " [Incomprehensible] brothers Sing your song of freedom,  [Incomprehensible] sisters" pada pertengahan lagu, (seperti "teriakan" The Melodians ).

Sedang pada ayat 3 Mazmur 137, ["When the Wicked"] menjadi  ["It was the wicked"] Carry us away captivity Require from us a song


By the rivers of Babylon
Where he sat down
And there he wept
When he remember Zion

It was the wicked

Carry us away captivity
Require from us a song
How can we sing King Alfa's song
In a strange land

[Incomprehensible] brothers 
Sing your song of freedom 

[Incomprehensible] sisters 

By the rivers of Babylon
Where he sat down
And there he wept
When he remember Zion

It was the wicked

Carry us away captivity
Require from us a song
How can we sing King Alfa's song
In a strange land

[Incomprehensible] my brother

By the rivers of Babylon
Where he sat down
And there he wept
When he remember Zion

By the rivers of Babylon
Where he sat down
And there he wept
When he remember Zion

By the rivers of Babylon
Where he sat down
And there he wept
When he remember Zion.

[Seri ROB] Jorma Kaukonen (2007)



Jorma Kaukonen, gitaris rock, folk dan blues Amerika, bersolo karier setelah bubarnya grup Jefferson Airplane dan Hot Tuna pada akhir abad 20. Selama bersolo karir beberapa album telah dirilis. Album pertama "Quah"(1974) dan terakhir atau ke empat belas "River Of Time" (2009).


Album sebelumnya atau ke tiga belas "Star in My Crown" (2007) dari musisi yang suka pada blues dan country  ini kembali memainkan kesukaannya, dan album ini merupakan tempat dia memainkan hal itu. Dalam album ini terdapat lagu (By The) Rivers Of Babylon dari Dowe dan McNaughton The Melodians (1970).

Dengan instrumen musik andalannya gitar akustik, dia menyanyikan lagu yang dipetik dari puisi Mazmur 137, dalam Alkitab, dengan lirik yang populer dari grup reggae The Melodians.


Dikutip dari Review Album 'Star in My Crown', khusus tentang lagu ini http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk :
Pada "Star in My Crown" nomor reggae "By The Rivers Of Babylon"," fitur lirik yang didasarkan pada Mazmur 137:1, menampilkan paduan suara anak-anak yang disediakan oleh Byron House, merupakan kolaborator Jorma dalam waktu belakangan ini, pemain mandolin, Barry Mitterhoff.  Jorma memimpin instrumental Gitar terdengar sayu.

Selengkapnya pendukung lagu ini :
Jorma Kaukonen – lead vocals, acoustic guitar
Barry Mitterhoff – mandolin
Byron House – upright bass
Chris Brown – drums, percussion
Ed Gerhard – weissenborn
Fred Eltringham – cowbell, guiro, shaker
Phil Madeira – organ
Ann McCray, Gale West – support vocals
Henry House, Lily Mitterhoff, Maya Mitterhoff, Tessa Mitterhoff, Truman House – children's support vocals


Detail Product
Original Release Date: March 13, 2007
Label: Red House Records
Duration: 4:54 minutes
ASIN: B0010W79B0

[Seri ROB] Matisyahu - JERUSALEM (2006)

"Ada dua versi dari lagu, versi single dengan subjudul (Out Of Darkness Comes Light) yang merupakan versi funky-rock, dan versi yang lebih lambat alternatif dancehall reggae."

Seri ROB dalam tulisan ini dimaksudkan tentang [R]ivers [O]f [B]abylon, sebuah judul Mazmur dalam Alkitab yaitu Mazmur 137 : 1 - 9. Judul Rivers Of Babylon ini kemudian dikutip dan menjadi lagu reggae populer ciptaan Dowe & McNaughton dari grup The Melodians pada tahun 1969, dan menjadi populer keseluruh dunia setelah dibawakan secara disko oleh grup Jerman Boney M pada tahun 1978.  

ABAD 21 ---

Tahun 2002, Fernando Ortega, penyanyi Amerika kelahiran Mexico, merilis lagu berdasar Mazmur 137 ayat 1, yaitu "City Of Sorrow", menyampaikan tentang kota Yerusalem yang dihancurkan oleh Kerajaan Babel pada masa raja Nebukadnezar tahun 586 sebelum Masehi.

Tahun 2004, Grup Rock Kristiani Polandia, "2Tm2,3", mengcover lagu berdasar Mazmur 137 ayat 1,3,4, "[By The] Rivers Of Babylon" dari grup disko Boney M (1978), dalam versi akustik. Lagu tentang bani Yehuda mengenang kampung halaman Sion (Yerusalem), ketika dalam pembuangan di negeri asing yakni di tanah Babel.

Tahun 2006, Matisyahu = "Hadiah dari Tuhan" (nama panggung dari Matthew Paul Miller), penyanyi Yahudi Amerika raggae dan rock alternatif, merilis lagu tentang kota Yerusalem pula dengan judul "Jerusalem" (Out Of Darkness Comes Light). Dalam lagu disampaikan bahwa negeri yang dimaksud bukan secara fisik : "Don’t you see, it’s not about the land or the sea.Not the country but the dwelling of his majesty".

"Jerusalem"  lagu / single oleh penyanyi  Matisyahu ini, diproduksi oleh Jimmy Douglass & Faktor III, dan pertama kali dirilis pada tahun 2006 pada label  utama debut Youth, Sebuah versi baru direkam kemudian pada tahun 2006 dengan Sly & Robbie dan dirilis sebagai single digital pada 19 September 2006 .

AYAT 5-6 --- 

Lagu itu sendiri didasarkan pada Mazmur 137Ayat 5 -6, salah satu yang paling terkenal dari Mazmur: 

(dari Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Terjemahan Baru)


137:5 Jika aku melupakan engkau, hai Yerusalem, biarlah menjadi kering tangan kananku!
137:6 Biarlah lidahku melekat pada langit-langitku, jika aku tidak mengingat engkau, jika aku tidak jadikan Yerusalem puncak sukacitaku!

Dua ayat yang merupakan janji bangsa Yehuda pada negeri Sion, namun merupakan pernyataan secara masing-masing pribadi,- kata "jika aku", " tangan kananku", lidahku", langit-langitku", "sukacitaku" dengan kata ganti orang pertama tunggal, bandingkan pada ayat 1,2,3,4 -"disanalah kita", meminta kita" apabila kita", " kita menyanyikan", dengan kata ganti orang pertama jamak. Dalam lagu ini ayat 6 ada di depan dan ayat 5 mengikuti.

Dua ayat ini,  biasa diucapkan oleh pasangan Yahudi dalam upacara pernikahan. 

Mazmur 137 dikatakan telah ditulis oleh Yeremia atau oleh pemain-kecapi selama pembuangan Babel yang menyatakan keinginan dari Yehuda untuk kembali ke Yerusalem.

Matisyahu menggunakan lirik paduan suara Break My Stride oleh Matthew Wilder sebagai refrain dalam single ini. 

Ada dua versi dari lagu, versi single yang subjudul (Out Of Darkness Comes Light) yang merupakan versi yang funky-rock, dan versi lebih lambat alternatif dancehall reggae.

Pada tanggal 31 September 2006, Matisyahu merilis video untuk "Yerusalem (Out Of Darkness Comes Light)". Video memanfaatkan citra yang luas dari Holocaust dan Sejarah Yahudi Eropa Timur, dan Gerakan Hak-Hak Sipil, serta menggunakan gambar untuk membuat komposit pusat Tembok Barat. 


Jerusalem, if I forget you Fire not gonna come from me tongue
Jerusalem, if I forget you Let my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do

In the ancient days, we will return with no delay
Picking up the bounty and the spoils on our way
We’ve been traveling from state to state
And them don’t understand what they say
Three thousand years with no place to be
And they want me to give up my milk and honey
Don’t you see, it’s not about the land or the sea
Not the country but the dwelling of his majesty

Jerusalem, if I forget you Fire not gonna come from me tongue
Jerusalem, if I forget you Let my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do
Jerusalem, if I forget you Fire not gonna come from me tongue
Jerusalem, if I forget you Let my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do

Rebuild the temple and the crown of glory
Years gone by, about sixtyBurn in the oven in this century
And the gas tried to choke but it couldn’t choke me
I will not lie down, I will not fall asleep
And they come overseas, yes they’re trying to be free
Erase the demons out of our memory
Change your name and your identity
Afraid of the truth and our dark history
Why is everybody always chasing we
Cut off the roots of your family tree
Don't you know that's not the way to be

Jerusalem, if I forget youFire not gonna come from me tongue
Jerusalem, if I forget youLet my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do
Jerusalem, if I forget youFire not gonna come from me tongue
Jerusalem, if I forget youLet my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do

Caught up in these ways and the worlds gone crazy
Don’t you know it’s just a phase, case of the Simon says
If I forget the truth then my words won’t penetrate
Babylon burning in the place, can’t see through dark haze
Chop down all of them dirty ways
That’s the price that you pay for selling lies to the youth
No way, not okay, oh no way, not okay, hey
Ain't no one gonna break my stride, 
ain't no one gonna pull me down
Oh no, I got to keep on moving, stay alive

Jerusalem, if I forget you Fire not gonna come from me tongue
Jerusalem, if I forget you Let my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do
Jerusalem, if I forget you Fire not gonna come from me tongue
Jerusalem, if I forget you Let my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do, 
Jerusalem, if I forget you Fire not gonna come from me tongue 
Jerusalem, if I forget you Let my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do
Jerusalem, if I forget you Fire not gonna come from me tongue
Jerusalem, if I forget you Let my right hand forget what it’s supposed to do

Selasa, 09 April 2013



Irish singer and songwriter Sinead O'Connor is always performed with the bald head, the eighth album released in 2007 titled "Theology" . His first album was published in 1987 (The Lion and the Cobra) is a successful album of its time. And in 2012 published his latest album (How About I Be Me (And You Be You).

From the title of his album  "Theology"  can immediately guess that this album contains religious songs.  Sinead O'Connor  was a Catholic in belief (Orthodox Church of Ireland) are not under Roman Catholic.


Two disks in album  Theology  (2007) ie, disk 1 - Dublin Sessions (guitar musical accompaniment   Sinead  with Steve Cooney), disk 2 - London Sessions (full band accompaniment / orchestra and backing vocals), both containing the song Rivers Of Babylon. Song whose lyrics were quoted from  Psalm 137   of the Bible Christians and Jews.

thus there are 2 versions of the song  Rivers Of Babylon  belongs to  Sinead O'Connor , in accordance with the instruments and backing vocals  retinue .


Rhythm is basically referring to popular  Rivers Of Babylon   ( The Melodians and Boney M) , with prominent use of acoustic guitar instrument, (which is attached to this singer and a hallmark for the songs). O'Connor version is included in the types of rock music.

PSALM 137  &  LYRICS ---

Rivers Of Babylon  popular song, citing the 2 parts  of the  Psalms in the Bible. Ie Psalm 137 is a staple, and Psalm 19 as a complement.

Sinead added 3 new clauses, so  6 paragraph to Psalm 137, a more complete version than Boney M  and The Melodians version  that only display 3 verses from  9 verse  there.  

in his version of the song, Sinead expressed himself as if he were experiencing the events of suffering in Babylon, or if not him, at least only one  of the others, and not a lot of people, can be seen in the original word "We"  to be " I " in:  
["I sat down", "I wept" ( verse 1)],
["I broke" (verse 2)],
["My tormentos"   (verse  3)],
[' I'm from "( verse 4)];
(compare with the word "He"  in the version of  Sublime )

Regarding the musical instruments  are presented  in paragraph 2, ( one  verse added  because no additional on Melodians version), which is about the instrument harp that hung on the willows , in the lyrics of  Sinead  become a guitar that was broken in the poplars . ( Sinead  always count on guitar [acoustic] in music.)

In paragraph 4, of songs requested to be sung by the Babylonians,  Sinead  uses the word   "Song Of Zion" , of "The Lord's Song" (which is twisted by  The Melodians  in their version "King Alpha's Song" , and Rob Tobias and Friends with "A Holy Song").

Similarly, paragraphs 5 and 6  (the verses in the refrain of the song "Jerusalem" by Matisyahu ) also paragraph added in the lyrics , (the verses which are statements and at once the answer to the question of Judah in paragraph 4 ). cited by  Sinead   wear and replace words with synonyms, or asinonim corresponds  to a particular word. Also exist in other verses.

few words were being said synonym or word asinonim manner worthy of it, like [ verse 3:  "That Carried" / "That wasted" = (a) "tormentors"],
[ verse 4: "Lord's Song "= (a)   "Songs of Zion" (actually called that in paragraph 3 ")]      [ verse 5:  "Jerusalem" = (a) "Jah", "forget her Cunning" = (a) 'wither'],
[ verse 6:  "cleave" = (a) "Freeze",  and asinonim  corresponding  change "above my chief" with "at your feet"].

6 Paragraph  (1-6)  ---

More  Lyrik modified to include [verses 1-6 of  Psalm 137 ]. as follows:
[137: 1 B y the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.]

lyrics: By the rivers of Babylon, there I sat down, there I wept, when I remember Zion

note: the words "We" is replaced with "I"
[137 : 2   We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof].

lyric: There on the poplars I broke my guitar

note: musical instruments "harps" replaced "guitar." and tree "willows" replaced "poplars". and the caption "hanged" replaced "broke".

[137: 3 For there they that Carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us Mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. ]

lyrics: Becauce my tormentors required songs
137: 4 How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?

lyric: Songs of where I'm from, songs of where I'm from, Oh songs of Zion

notes : The word "Lord's"  change   "of ZION"  
--- 137: 5 I f I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her Cunning.

lyric: If I forget U oh Jah, both may my hand wither.

records: The word "Jerusalem" replaced "Jah", "forget her Cunning 'replaced' wither '
--- 137: 6 I f I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.

lyric: And may my mouth freeze, If I forget how I knelt at your feet.

note: The word "Cleave" replaced "freeze".


PSALM 19 ---

Sinead  removing or eliminating the complement  lyrics  (Psalm 19, verse 14):  "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."  which in some versions of a song chorus.  Principal or a quote from  Psalm 137  alone .


By the rivers of Babylon,
there I sat down, there I wept,
when I remember Zion

There on the poplars
I broke my guitar

Becauce my tormentors
required songs

Songs of where I'm from,
songs of where I ' 'm from,
Oh songs of Zion

If I forget U oh Jah,
may both my hand wither.

freeze And may my mouth,
If I forget how I knelt at your feet.

[ ROB Series] CITY OF SORROW - Fernando Ortega (2002)

Flow "rivers of Babylon" is not stopped until the 21st century, writing about it has been opened by the cover of the popular song "Rivers of Babylon" by a Polish Rock group called  2Tm2,3. Who wears the title song "By the Rivers Of Babylon" is placed in the album "Propaganda Dei".

Prior to presenting the Christian rock group Rivers Of Babylon (2004) which covered from the group Boney M (1978), a singer and writer of songs and Contemporary American Christian music, Fernando Ortega in the album "Storm" (2002) dedicated a song with a theme similar to Rivers Of Babylon which has been popular, from Psalm 137 in the Bible Christians and Jews.

The singer and songwriter was born in Mexico recorded a song entitled "City Of Sorrow" with the opening words "By the waters of Babylon", together with other translations of "By the Rivers Of Babylon".

Ortega in a more focused idea for a song the destruction of a city. City of Jerusalem, which battered around 5-6 century BC, by the Babylonians with a royal king Nebuchadnezzar. Inhabitants of Judah taken to Babylon and miserable life in the country who collect many rivers.

Jerusalem, the city of Zion is remembered by the "children" of exile, as the popular song of [Boney M cs].  Cities throne  left miserable for children . The holy city of  blackened stone and darker by the bloodshed of the population.  town is decorated by rows of martyrs who died, became a ghost town and lived there in a dream.


CITY OF SORROW - Fernando Ortega ---

By the waters of Babylon
Still and deep
The sun rose at midnight
I was not asleep
I saw a man with a javelin
A carriage of steel
His eyes burned like sapphires
Wheels wheels turning in

aluminum angels I saw
arrayed like a choir
Hailstones falling
Rivers of fire
By the waters of Babylon
I sank down in shame
Covered in ashes
I called out your name

Oh Jerusalem
City of thrones
The blood of your people
Still darkens the stones
City of Sorrows
Spread on a hill
Bride of the prophets
They dream of you still

Kings in their armor
Swords in the sky
Storefronts of martyrs
Lined up to die
While in the streets of Jerusalem
Children in pain
Covered in ashes
I called out your name

Oh Jerusalem
City of thrones
The blood of your people
Still darkens the stones
City of Sorrows
Spread on a hill
Bride of the prophets
They dream of you still

Oh Jerusalem
City of thrones
The blood of your people
Still darkens the stones
City of Sorrows
Spread on a hill
Bride of the prophets
They dream of you still

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